
Teams Looking For Full Time Players

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Indivs Thursdays
18 August 2024 @ 12:13 AM by Amy Y

Hi all, 

I have a space on the Thursdays women's indivs I signed up for that I'm looking to sell as I reinjured a calf injury. The team level is fairly recreational and I am willing to sell the spot at $150 (purchased at $180.) Let me know if you're interested


Thanks !



This thread will self destruct on 16 September 2024 @ 4:00 AM
22 August 2024 @ 4:29 AM by Shaya Shayvard

When does your season start? 

1 September 2024 @ 4:17 AM by Amy Y

Hi Shaya, I'm so sorry I didn't see your reply! The season's already started and I had a couple people inquire about the team. If they can not make it anymore I will let you know!

4 September 2024 @ 9:18 PM by Amy Y

Hi Shaya! If you would still like to play they have a game 7pm tmrw on turf # 3 (farthest from the parking lot) and/or next Thursday 8pm turf #1. I know a lot of the season has already gone so you are welcome to just play free of charge. The team is quite friendly and has dark blue jerseys. Lmk if you have any other Qs!

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